How many times can you think of that you yourself have had difficulties seeing eye to eye with your in-laws? Do you feel like the relationship with them is difficult and stressful? Well you are not alone! Let’s look at the common stressors which come from the in laws. Holidays: The Ultimate Obligation First and foremost, […]
4 Things to Ask a Therapist Before Starting Therapy
Meeting with a therapist for the first time can feel frightening and overwhelming. But there are ways to make starting counseling less intimidating. One of those ways is to make sure you’ve chosen a therapist who will be a good fit for you. Before committing to a regular schedule with a therapist, there are 4 […]
When kids drive a wedge between you and your partner
We’ve talked money and sex, so next up – kids. Kids are wonderful, fun, and amazing to see grow. They also bring a lot of issues into relationships if you are not prepared for them. Couples tend to fight a lot when it comes to kids. This can be arguing about having kids all the […]
When Sex is Not So Sexy
Last post we talked about money and how finances can be a struggle. Now let’s look at sex and intimacy and how this can be a source of frustration and arguments. Sex tends to be the second biggest area which comes up for couples I work with. The complaints and issues range from not enough […]
The biggest reason couples fight – and how to resolve it!
Over the years, I have heard so many different reasons why couples argue and fight. Most, if not all couples, have had an argument at some point in the marriage, and if you have not, congrats – you’re the only ones! Arguments and fights happen, and it is OK. I have noticed the arguments that tend […]
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, or EMDR, is a set of standardized protocols that incorporate elements from many different treatment approaches. It has been researched extensively and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. What Issues Can EMDR Treat? EMDR is used to treat a variety of mental health issues including: – Panic attacks […]
3 Ways Individual Counseling Can Help Your Marriage
Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can either go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves, or they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. While some couples feel their problems should be kept private, many more are finding the […]
Marriage is hard……and it should be!
How many times do you see Hollywood stories and movies about picture perfect couples? Boy meets girl, askes girl out, girl falls head over heels in love, they get married, have kids, buy a house, and live happily ever after. Lets be real and honest for a second……that kind of relationship does not exist!!!!!! Well […]
3 Essential Listening Skills to Improve Your Relationship
One of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship is communication. When both partners understand how to communicate properly, they feel loved, connected and secure. But when effective communication is lacking, both people can become defensive, and the relationship can be mired down in distrust, misunderstanding and resentments. When couples are hitting rock bottom, […]